About ISCG
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A study of 24 women who underwent clitoral reduction or clitoridectomy.
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Strengths, weaknesses and relevance of findings discussed.
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Clitoroplasty: Past, present and future
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Staged reconstruction of the labia minora and reduction clitoroplasty for female pseudohermaphroditism
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Anatomy of the clitoris: Revision and clarifications about the anatomical terms proposed (without scientific bases) by Helen O'Connell, Emmanuele Janini, and Odile Buisson
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Female genital mutilation and cosmetic surgery: Regulating non-therapeutic body modification
. Bioethics. 1998;12:263-85.
Legal and ethical weaknesses in arguments against FGM are explored thoroughly.
Sullivan DA. Cosmetic Surgery. The Cutting Edge of Commercial Medicine in America. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers University Press, 2004.
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Shapely centrefolds? Temporal changes in body measures: trend analysis
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Female genital mutilation: Whose problem, whose solution
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that those subjected to FGM view it positively, and that Western views are hypocritical in light of growing cosmetic vaginal procedures.
Deans R, Liao LM, Crouch NS, et als. Letter:
Why are women referred for female genital cosmetic surgery
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Aesthetic surgery of the female genitalia
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Female genital mutilation in the West: Traditional circumcision versus genital cosmetic surgery
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CO2 laser total superficial vulvectomy: An outpatient treatment for wide multifocal vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3
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Female genital cosmetic and plastic surgery: A review
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Cosmetic gynecology and the elusive quest for the perfect vagina
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Liao LM, Creighton SM.
Requests for cosmetic genitoplasty: How should healthcare providers respond?
British Medical Journal. 2007;334:1090-2.
Labiaplasty increase in the British NHS from 400 to 800 procedures from 1998-2005, dramatized as a "doubling", and complications of non-cosmetic feminizing genitoplasty are used to frame cosmetic procedures in a negative light.
Berer M. Letter:
Cosmetic genitoplasty: It's female genital mutilation and should be prosecuted
. 2007;334:1335.
Liao LM, Creighton SM. Editorial:
Female genital cosmetic surgery: A new dilemma for GPs
. British Journal of General Practice. 2011;61:7-8.
Argument that women requesting labialplasty suffer from psychosocial issues, baseless speculation that labiaplasty will produce obstetrical perineal damage, reissue of unrelated feminizing genitoplasty complications, feministic tone.
Farmer L.
. 61:293.
Invokes diatribe equating cosmetic procedures with FGM, channels some of Conroy RM editorial.
Liao LM, Taghinejadi N, Creighton SM.
An analysis of the content and clinical implications of online advertisements for female genital cosmetic surgery
. BMJ Open. 2012;2:e001908.
Lloyd J, et als.
Female genital appearance: 'Normality' unfolds
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A 50-patient study of clitoral, labial and vaginal dimensions.
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Exploring the psychosexual drive, before genital cosmetic surgery
. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2011;158:369-70.
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. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 2010;14:295-300.
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Giving female genital cosmetic surgery a facelift
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The nomenclature of "vaginal rejuvenation" and elective vulvovaginal plastic surgery
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The anatomy of the distal vagina: Towards unity
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Cosmetic gynecology in the view of evidence-based medicine and ACOG recommendations: A review
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Anatomy and physiology of the clitoris, vestibular bulbs and labia minora with a review of the female orgasm and the prevention of female sexual dysfunction
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Current trends in female genital cosmetic surgery
. Apollo Medicine 2012;9:219-23.
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Female cosmetic genital surgery
. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2011;4:155-6.
An anti-cosmetic rant by a dentist blurs the distinction between feminizing genitoplasty and cosmetic surgery to leverage the morbidity of reduction clitoroplasty as a complication of cosmetic surgery. Clitoral reduction, excising glans or shaft, is not a cosmetic vaginal procedure in the modern world. Clitoral hood reduction, resection of loose skin in the vicinity of the clitoral hood, is a component of some cosmetic labiaplasties.
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Genital appearance dissatisfaction: Implications for women's genital image self-consciousness, sexual esteem, sexual satisfaction, and sexual risk
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Cosmetic vaginal surgery: The role of the female pelvic surgeon
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A confused, overworked rant that fails to understand the essence of cosmetic surgery on various levels.
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Interest in cosmetic vulvar surgery and perception of vulvar appearance
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Misleading title refers to hymenotomy for thick hymenal tags, not hymen reconstruction.
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Comment on cerclage method for hymenoplasty
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The "Paris technique" done 14 days before coitus had a high failure rate (no bleeding).
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A new technique for aesthetic labia minora reduction
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Report of 4 cases by wedge technique without complications, erroneously claiming priority for the method reported by MR Laufer in 1995.
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A 407-patient study of the wedge technique.
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Labia minora reconstruction using clitoral hood flaps, wedge excisions, and YV advancement flaps
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A 17-patient study of clitoral hood revision.
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Labial reduction for non-therapeutic reasons vs. female genital mutilation: Contradictions in law and practice in Britain
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A versatile labia minora skin flap in severe vesicovaginal fistula repair
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Chavis WM, LaFerla JJ, Niccolini R.
Plastic repair of elongated labia minora: A case report
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Prescient commentary on cosmetic vs functional considerations and negative, dismissive attitudes amongst physicians.
Choi HY, Kim KT.
A new method for aesthetic reduction of labia minora (the deepitheilialized reduction labioplasty)
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A 6-patient study of the window technique.
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Nymphoplastie de reduction: Note technique
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An unusual staged labial rejuvenation
. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2008;5:1263-7.
Case report of staged labia majoraplasty reduction followed by labia minoraplasty six weeks later, includes letters to the editor, author reply.
Ellsworth WA, Rizvi M, Lypka M, et als.
Techniques for labia minora reduction: An algorithmic approach
. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2010;34:105-110.
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Labia minora reduction: Guidelines for procedure choice
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A 12-patient study of three excision techniques.
Felicio Y.
Labial surgery
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Considerations in female external genital aesthetic surgery techniques
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Vulval varicosities and labial reduction
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Gross enlargement of the labia minora in an African female
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Structure and innervation of the labia minora: More than minor skin folds
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Histologic analysis of eight cadavers of unknown age presumed menopausal demonstrated many vascular and neural elements.
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Central wedge nymphectomy with a 90-degree z-plasty for aesthetic reduction of the labia minora
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A 15-patient study of the wedge technique.
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Goldstein AT, Romanzi LJ.
Z-plasty reductional labiaplasty
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Unilateral vulval hypertrophy in competitive female cyclists
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Labial reduction in adolescent population - A case series study
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Hypertrophy of labia minora in myelodysplastic women: Labioplasty to ease clean intermittent catheterization
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Laufer MR, Galvin WJ III.
Labial hypertrophy: A new surgical approach
. Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology. 1995;8:39-41.
First published report of wedge labiaplasty describes technique and excellent outcome in two cases.
Liao LM, Michala L, Creighton SM.
Labial surgery in well women: A review of the literature
. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2010;117:20-5.
Review of 40 articles from 1976-2009.
Gupta P, Mackenzie WE.
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Aesthetic practice of labial reduction
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. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 2008;21:147-9.
Maas SM, Hage JJ.
Functional and aesthetic labia minora reduction
. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2000;105:1453-6.
A 13-patient study of the running W technique.
Malinovsky L, Sommerova J, Martincik J.
Quantitative evaluation of sensory nerve endings in hypertrophy of labia minora pudendi in women
. Acta Anatomica. 1975;92:129-44.
Anatomic microscopic assessment from six cases of labiaplasty.
Mareko G, Othieno C, Kuria M, et als.
Body dysmorphic disorder: Case report
. East African Medical Journal. 2007;84:450-2.
Paarlberg KM, Weijenborg PTHM.
Request for operative reduction of the labia minora; a proposal for a practical guideline for gynecologists
. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2008;290:230-4.
Michala L, Koliantzaki S, Antsaklis A.
Personal view: Protruding labia minora: Abnormal or just uncool
? Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011;32:154-6.
Miklos JR, Moore RD.
Labiaplasty of the labia minora: Patients' indications for pursuing surgery
. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2008;5:1492-5.
Miklos JR, Moore RD.
Simultaneous labia majora and minora reduction: A case report
. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 2011;18:378-80.
Mirzabeigi MN, Moore JH Jr, Mericli AF, et als.
Current trends in vaginal labioplasty: A survey of plastic surgeons
. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2012;68:125-34.
Mottura AA.
Labia majora hypertrophy
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Munhoz AM, et als.
Aesthetic labia minora reduction with inferior wedge resection and superior pedicle flap reconstruction
. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2006;118:1237-47.
A 21-patient study of the inferior wedge variant.
Selvaggi G.
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Muriaru D, et als. Letter:
Comparison of wedge versus straight-line reduction labioplasty
. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2010;125:1046-7.
A comparison of 14-patients with linear vs 10 patients with wedge resections.
Alter GJ. Reply (included above). 125:1047.
Nguyen ATV, Ramsden AJ, Corrigan BE, et als.
Labial reconstruction with a cross-labial flap
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