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What is the Difference Between the VirtualFirst and Live Only formats?
VirtualFirst is our premiere format for maximum training flexibility for those who can't travel at the present time. It is currently available for our basic lipo course, our advanced lipo course, our abdominoplasty course and our breast course.
You receive:
Live Only is our classic two-day live onsite format where the didactics and the live surgery training are conducted simultaneously.
You receive:
The Fellowship is a Live-Only 2-week program and cannot be done virtually. However, the 2-day course that is included in the Fellowship training package can be done virtually via the VirtualFirst program.
You receive:
- IMMEDIATE lifetime online access to the ISCG Video Knowledge Base for the specific course(s) you attend
- LIVE Zoom remote participation during a scheduled live 2-day session including tele surgery.
- FULL ISCG Lifetime Member after your Zoom remote training sessions.
- FULL OPTIONAL two days of onsite live surgery in the future on days that YOU CHOOSE (breast course participants must return during live future scheduled breast courses only).
Live Only is our classic two-day live onsite format where the didactics and the live surgery training are conducted simultaneously.
You receive:
- LIVE onsite didactics and live surgery for 2 days with a typical group size of 2-4 trainees.
- FULL ISCG Lifetime Member status after your live training sessions
- FULL lifetime online access to the ISCG Video Knowledge Base for the course(s) you attend AFTER your live training sessions.
The Fellowship is a Live-Only 2-week program and cannot be done virtually. However, the 2-day course that is included in the Fellowship training package can be done virtually via the VirtualFirst program.
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