Alumni Focus
Maria Fernanda Lucas MD
Cosmetic Gynecologist
Tell us what you do
I practice Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Aesthetic Gynecology in Caracas and Bogota at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) and Venezuelan Red Cross.
What comments do you have about your Cadaver Course experience?
Meta cumplida! Feliz de haber hecho el Cosmetic Gynecology Cadaver Course del ISCG dictado por mis admirados y ahora maestros Dr Marco Pelosi II y Dr Marco Pelosi III, y por mi amigo y ahora maestro Jorge Gaviria. Y ahora también soy miembro de la ISCG. ¿Así o más feliz?
TRANSLATION: Mission accomplished! I am thrilled to have completed the ISCG Cosmetic Gynecology Cadaver Course conducted by my heros and now teachers Dr Marco Pelosi II and Dr Marco Pelosi II and my friend and now teacher Jorge Gaviria. And now I am a member of the ISCG too. I couldn't be any happier!
This is the most amazing course I’ve attended! So honored to have learned from you.
Maria Fernanda Lucas MD