Moderators: Marco A. Pelosi III, MD | Marco A. Pelosi II, MD
4:20 pm Expert Panel Discussion The Safety and Efficacy of Energy Based Devices in Cosmetic Gynecology Adrian Gaspar MD | John Miklos MD | Jorge Gaviria MD | Michael Goodman MD | Red Alinsod MD | Alex Bader MD | Rafal Kuzlik MD | Michael Krychman MDCM | Oscar Aguirre MD
8:00 am Major and Minor Revisions of Labiaplasty Michael Goodman, MD | USA
8:15 am Combination of Labiaplasty with Anterior and Posterior Commisuroplasty Otto Placik, MD | USA | Recipient 2019 ISCG Award for Teaching Excellence
8:30 am The Science of Orgasm 2019 Barry Komisaruk, PhD | USA
8:50 am Labiaplasty in Adolescents: How, When and Why? Maryory Gomez, MD | Venezuela
9:05 am Clitoral Hood: The Crucial Area to Manage During Labiaplasty Surgery Alexander Bader, MD | London, Dubai, Greece
9:20 am Advanced Vaginoplasty Techniques: Revisions of the Botched Marco A. Pelosi, III, MD | USA
9:40 am Emsella Therapy for Urinary Incontinence Edward Zimmerman, MD | USA